#206 Go zip lining
My mom took the whole family: daughters, spouses, and kids to Alaska for her 75th birthday. We had a blast. One of the coolest things we did was zip lining. Yeah, even Colleen, Nina’s mom, gave it a try and lived to tell the tale. You can see by these pictures that the cables are at least 100 feet off the ground, It’s a long way down! Is this something that you’ve always wanted to do?
#365 Eat street food
Nina has eaten street food in many places she has visited. But, the street food they ate in China gives me the creeps literally. Check out these pictures! If you do put this on your list, perhaps you will not want anything from the insect kingdom!
#124 Get Close to a Wild Animal That Could Kill You
Polar Bears look soft and fluffy. But around their young, and when they’re eating, they can be dangerous if you get too close. When it comes to dinner time, you can see that they dig right in. Are you fearless? Do you want to get close to a wild animal that could do some serious damage? So, put #124 on your list!
#114 Learn to Survive in the Wilderness
Nina wasn’t a survivalist-in-the-woods kind of person, but on her list was learning how to live off the land. She left this one unchecked, so she must not have been where she wanted in terms of being able to survive in the great outdoors. How about yourself? Are you trained to live off the land in the event of an emergency?
#251 Visit Antarctica
What a dream come true –visit Antartica. Can you believe we were shooping for clothes for Nina’s trip in August! Baby, it’s cold out there.