Nina never got the chance to volunteer for an environmental cause. What’s a cause that is important enough to you that you’ve dedicated time and energy ?
I am not sure if this meets your criteria, but one of my big environmental pet peeves is litter. Particularly, litter around natural sites like lakes and hiking trails. Every time I go hiking or to the lake, which is fairly frequent, I take a plastic bag and fill it with all of the trash I find along the way. I do the same thing when I go to the beach, picking up all of the items left behind by the sunbathers or washed up onto shore by the ocean.
I am not sure if this meets your criteria, but one of my big environmental pet peeves is litter. Particularly, litter around natural sites like lakes and hiking trails. Every time I go hiking or to the lake, which is fairly frequent, I take a plastic bag and fill it with all of the trash I find along the way. I do the same thing when I go to the beach, picking up all of the items left behind by the sunbathers or washed up onto shore by the ocean.