Just got called for jury duty. I’m proud to know that Nina served. I will show up and serve if chosen in her honor.
11 years ago
Like Nina, I always wanted to sit on a jury. I was finally selected even though I was a practicing attorney at the time (the case involved a field of law different from my own). It was a very interesting experience but also extremely frustrating. All 12 of us thought the defendant was guilty but we didn’t think the prosecution had proved it. Rats!
Just got called for jury duty. I’m proud to know that Nina served. I will show up and serve if chosen in her honor.
Like Nina, I always wanted to sit on a jury. I was finally selected even though I was a practicing attorney at the time (the case involved a field of law different from my own). It was a very interesting experience but also extremely frustrating. All 12 of us thought the defendant was guilty but we didn’t think the prosecution had proved it. Rats!
She was so excited to be chosen for jury duty. Believe it or not, she was elected jury forewoman!